Scissors, Extractors & Tweezers
How to Use a Blackhead Extractor or Tweezers?
Before using a blackhead extractor, take a moment to verify that the area you are working on is in fact a blackhead or clogged pore and not a mole, freckle or sebaceous filament. Upon verification, fully cleanse the skin with a high quality skin cleanser like BIOELEMENTS® Decongestant Cleanser and warm water to expand the pores. Place the extractor tool around the blackhead and gently apply pressure while sliding the tool across the area. Use a tissue or washcloth to wipe away the released sebum. Upon completion, cleanse the affected area again and disinfect the extractor tool with hot soapy water.
Do Blackhead Tweezers work?
Yes. However, it is vital to follow directions and take proper precautions to disinfect both the tools and your skin. A blackhead tweezer is a pincer device with two sharped-ended curved hooks. Conceptually, the pointed end is used to gently pierce the affected pore and the smooth curved ends are used to lightly squeeze the pore to extract sebum. Many skin care professionals advise using extreme caution in applying pressure so as to not injure the surrounding skin. In the case of stubborn extraction, use warm water and cleanser to loosen the pore or consult a skin care professional.
How often should I use a Blackhead Extractor?
Professionals advise extracting every 4-12 weeks for normal skin. Please consult a skin care professional to ensure proper care.
Can you bring tweezers on a plane?
Tweezers are permitted in carry-on luggage or in personal items on most major airlines.
What is a lancet?
Lancets are the sharp bits that are used to draw a small drop of blood or to test for glucose if you are diabetic. They are also used for whitehead, blackhead and pimple extractions.