Do foot soaks work?
Yes, foot soaks are highly effective in softening dry, callused feet while setting the stage of relaxation for your in-home or spa pedicure service. Many at-home remedies call for the time-tested epsom salt soak to soften feet and this old recipe is the basis of many professional products on the market today. Professional-grade foot soaks include himalayan salt soaks, like Saltability’s Himalayan Bath Salts, offer an invigorating cleansing as a first step to a pedicure. Other products such as Amber’s essential oil foot soaks come in different aromas such as Vanilla Lemongrass, Lavender Aphrodisia, or Green Tea Mint offering a variety of client experiences. One of the most commonly used professional pre-pedicure products is Footlogix Foot Soak Concentrate, a unique blend that gently cleanses and hydrates the skin.
How can I get softer feet?
Soft and smooth feet can be a labor of love depending on the existing level of dryness or roughness at the beginning of the process. Regular pedicure treatments are a first line defense and include the use of professional products like foot soaks or scrubs, foot files, callus removers, paraffin wax treatments, or moisturizing balms, creams or lotions. At-home kits like Voesh’s Pedi in a Box and gLOVE Treat Parasilk Therapy Boots are excellent options for the do-it-yourselfer and moisturizing creams like Thunder Ridge® Emu Neat Feet will keep your feet moisturized between pedicure treatments. For specific problems like peeling skin, sweaty feet, cracked heels, or exceptionally rough skin, Footlogix offers a full array of solutions.
What is body scrub?
Scrubs are exfoliants used to slough away dry skin from the body and face. Most scrubs are oil-based with a suspension of salt or sugar to act as the active ingredient. Body scrubs, like Keyano Aromatics Coconut Lime Body Scrub and Giovanni Hot Chocolate Sugar Scrub provide the basis for an exhilarating treatment experience for your clients as well as an invigorating at-home treat. With periodic use, scrubs will keep the skin soft, smooth and healthy.
How do I remove calloused skin from the feet?
Calluses are hard, thick areas of skin that develop on various parts of the body from repetitive friction. Often found on the heels, balls of the feet and on the sides of the toes, untreated calluses can be uncomfortable and unattractive. Removing calluses safely, however, is imperative to the skin’s health. Experts recommend the following steps to safely remove calluses:
Step One:
Soak in warm water for 10 minutes or until the area softens. Adding a product like Footlogix Foot Soak can aid in expediting the process.
Step Two:
File the affected area with a pumice stone or foot file, like Footlogix Exfoliating Foot File or Mehaz Stainless Steel Foot File System. Dip in water and gently file over calluses to remove dead skin. In order to avoid bleeding and possible infection, take care to not remove too much skin. For stubborn areas, apply products like Prolinc Callus Eliminator or Footlogix Professional Callus Softener that will quickly penetrate the skin for easy callus removal.
Step Three:
Apply moisturizing creams or lotions daily to further soften the skin. Products like Foot Miracle Therapeutic Cream and BIOTONE® Spa Marine Therapy Pedi-Balm are most effective in breaking down rough skin and preventing further damage while softening surrounding skin. Making a moisturizer a part of the daily routine will help keep calluses from quickly returning.