A big thank you to the great people at massage Warehouse. I can’t imagine being more satisfied and pleased with their 5 star customer service, knowledge, product selection, prices and shipping. If you haven’t already, go check out their website. Great products for massage therapists, bodyworkers, estheticians and non-professionals too!
- Mountain Mobile Massage and Spa.
We started using these sheets over a year ago and they were the best investment we have ever made. We do over 200 massage/week. These sheets are not only soft and attractive; they are durable and virtually wrinkle free. Thanks you Angie Patrick and massage Warehouse for your amazing service and pricing!
- The Boston Bodyworkers LLC.

Pillows & Cushions
Can you wash memory foam pillows?
Memory foam pillows like the Core Memory™ Support Pillow molds to the unique shape of the head and neck to provide custom support. Although the dense nature of memory foam acts as a natural deterrent to the accumulation of dust mites, protecting your investment in a quality product is obviously a concern. Memory foam pillows should NEVER be laundered in a washing machine or dryer. The motion of these machines will tear apart the foam. Instead, change and wash your pillowcases regularly. If allergies are a concern, invest in a quality pillow cover to use in place of, or in addition to, the included cover.
Odor Control:
Sprinkle your memory foam pillow with baking soda and allow it to do its job for about 30 minutes. Using an upholstery cleaning attachment, vacuum the pillow to remove the baking soda, dust mites and skin cells.
Stain Removal:
Spot clean with a mild detergent and water. For stubborn stains, try adding hydrogen peroxide to the mix.
Deep Cleaning:
Although this method is not recommended, it may be unavoidable at times. To give your foam pillow a deep clean, first fill a bathtub or large sink with warm water and a small amount of gentle detergent. Submerge the pillow and squeeze to allow the water to penetrate through the foam. Drain the water and rinse, gently squeezing (never wringing) the pillow to remove excess water. Allow to air dry.
How do you sleep on a neck roll pillow?
If you are experiencing neck, shoulder, upper back pain or chronic headaches, a neck roll pillow may be a perfect solution. Cervical rolls can be used independently or in conjunction with your sleeping pillow. All-in-one cervical support pillows are also available with various levels of sophistication from those with a basic design to advanced features like the Therapeutica Foam Support Pillow. These pillows have built-in neck support at minimum. Some, like the Tri-Core Fiber Pillow, also have side sleeping features and two rolls, one at the top and one at the bottom, with different levels of firmness. Simply choose which support type gives you the best level of comfort.
Please note: Getting used to any cervical support pillow will require an adjustment period of up to two weeks and may actually increase neck stiffness in the initial stages.
Are water pillows good for neck pain?
Studies have shown that chiropractic pillows, like the ScripHessco Water Pillow, can effectively reduce cervical pain and improve sleep quality. The structure of a water pillow allows for fully customizable support by simply using more or less water to adjust firmness. The natural flow of the water provides an easy transition in sleep positions, suiting both back and side sleepers alike.