Table Coverings
How do I remove massage oil stains from massage sheets?
Massage sheets are regularly exposed to massage oils and lotions. Simply washing with other linens without some sort of degreaser won’t adequately remove lubricant stains. Experts suggest soaking sheets in dish soap or a citrus-based degreaser prior to laundering to successfully remove oil and lotion stains. Follow this step with a thorough wash in massage linen detergent. For best results, clean all linens within 24 hours of use.
How do I clean a massage table warmer?
The experts at EarthLite®, an industry leader in massage products, equipment, and supplies recommend the following for proper care and maintenance of an electric massage table warmer: Before cleaning, ensure the massage table warmer is set to the ‘off’ position and disconnected from electrical outlets. Do NOT dry clean, iron, machine wash or dry. Spot cleaning is recommended.
Spot cleaning instructions for Massage Table Warming Pads: Using warm water and a mild detergent, clean gently with a sponge or cloth. Follow with an application of clean water to rinse and blot dry with clean towels.
How do I dress a massage table?
Layering a massage table with quality linens creates an inviting sanctuary for your clients. Start with a quality massage table warmer, protective cover, and fleece pad for warmth and comfort. Cover with your choice of massage sheets, available in a variety of colors and fabrics like cotton, polyester, flannel, or bamboo. Sheets are sold individually or in packages that include a fitted sheet, flat sheet and face cradle cover. As a final layer, add a cozy massage blanket.
For an in-depth look at the various massage table coverings available, please visit “Massage Tables Are Like Elegant Desserts.”
What size sheets do I get for my massage table?
For a professional look and a stay-in-place fit, we recommend using sheets sized specifically for massage tables. Massage sheets are typically smaller than traditional twin-size bed sheets. Standard massage top sheets generously measure approximately 63” wide x 100” long. Bottom, fitted sheets are 36” x 77” with a 7” drop to accommodate the table padding and additional cushions or warmers. Matching crescent covers are also included in most massage linen sets unlike those designed for twin beds.