Calming Cucumber Face Soother Facial Treatment

Calming Cucumber Face Soother

Help clients retain radiant and dewy-fresh skin with a refreshing treatment. Soften, tone and nourish stressed skin from exposure to summer sun with White Lily, Rose Hips and powerful Anti-Oxidants. Cucumber’s cooling alpha-hydroxy acids also soothe the skin and help to add a natural glow.

Session Time: 20 - 30 mins
Recommended Price: $30
Cost Per Treatment: $0.55

1 Sliced Cucumber – chilled
Facial Therapy Micro Refiner, 1/8 oz.
Herbal Select Facial Therapy Massage Crème, 1/8 oz.

1 Rubber Spa Bowl
2 Warm Moist Hand Towels

1. Wrap clients face with warm towel - leave on for about 1 min.

2. Gently wipe face clean of makeup, avoiding eye area.

3. Apply Facial Therapy MicroRefiner evenly to face, avoiding eye area. Gently massage into skin using small circular upward motions to work against gravity.*

4. Wrap clients face with a fresh warm towel. Leave on for about 1 min.

5. Wipe face clean of granules - this may take several passes with a wet towel.

6. Apply cucumber slices to clients face including eyes to cool and tighten skin. Leave on for 5 min.

7. Apply even layer of Herbal Select Facial Therapy Massage Lotion to clients face and proceed with facial massage.

*Make sure that you understand the parameters of your license when performing the exfoliation on the face.

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