Road to Recovery Relaxing Full Body Massage Treatment
Road to Recovery Relaxing Full Body Massage Treatment

Road to Recovery
Whether you need a Vacation from your Vacation or need to recharge from a business trip, this full body treatment is the perfect “Welcome Home.” This 90 minute session eradicates stress and tension with a combination of slow deep massage strokes, deep tissue finger pressure, and targeted compressions. The session is designed to be therapeutic, yet painless and relaxing. Includes option to add essential oils.
Session Time: 90 mins
Recommended Price: $90 - $125 (EO Complimentary or Add $5)
Cost Per Treatment: $2.56 (EO cost not included)
Controlled-Glide Massage Creme, 2 oz.
Essential Oil of Choice, (Optional) 15 drops
1 Rubber Spa Bowl
1. Place Controlled-Glide Massage Creme in rubber spa bowl. Mix in Essential oil (Optional).
2. With client in a prone position, adjust top sheet and blanket to fully cover client.
3. Perform slow effleurage stokes over the blanket from the mid back down each leg.
4. Perform slow effleurage stokes over the blanket from the mid back up the spine and down each arm.
5. Perform slow compressions starting at client’s feet, up the client’s legs and back, and down the arms. Hold each compression for 4 seconds.
6. Undrape client’s back and perform 3 deep tissue strokes up each side of the back, from sacrum to neck, starting close to the spine and moving slightly lateral with each stroke.
7. Perform deep tissue finger pressure along the spine line, scooping away from the spine and holding each compression for 10 seconds.
8. Perform targeted finger compressions to any “knots” found during the previous steps.
9. Repeat deep tissue strokes, however, work from the neck to the low back on this round.
10. Undrape client’s right leg and perform 3 deep tissue strokes up the leg, starting close to the midline and moving slightly lateral with each stroke.
11. Perform deep tissue finger pressure up the center of the leg, scooping away from the center with both hands.
12. Perform targeted finger compressions to any “knots” found during the previous steps.
13. Repeat deep tissue strokes, however, work from the hip to the foot on this round.
14. Repeat on left leg.
15. Have client flip to a supine position.
16. Repeat steps 10 – 13 on the anterior legs.
17. Undrape client’s right arm and perform 3 deep tissue strokes up the arm, starting with palm down, then rotating to thumb up, and finally palm up.
18. Perform deep tissue finger pressure up the center of the arm, scooping away from the center with both hands.
19. Perform targeted finger compressions to any “knots” found during the previous steps.
20. Repeat deep tissue strokes, however, work from the shoulder to the wrist on this round.
21. Perform compression and stretching to the hand.
22. Repeat on left arm and hand.
23. Undrape client’s shoulders and perform 3 deep tissue strokes up the shoulder and neck, starting at the AC joint and ending at the occipital ridge.
24. Perform deep tissue finger pressure working anterior to posterior with a slow hold at the end of each stroke. Repeat stroke from the AC joint to the occipital ridge.
25. Perform targeted finger compressions to any “knots” found during the previous steps.
26. Perform face and scalp massage.
27. Perform compression and stretching to the neck.
28. Massage client’s stomach through the blanket working counterclockwise with slow deep effleurage.
29. Perform compression and stretching to the feet.
30. Rock client’s whole body slowly for 4 minutes to close session.
*Follow protocols in BIOTONE Spa Brochure