Starting Your Own Mobile Massage Therapy Business


For those who have always dreamed of owning your own massage therapy business, mobile may just be the way to go.  And believe it or not, now might just be the perfect time to get everything rolling.  It is day – who even knows any more – of the Coronavirus Quarantine; our country’s economy has taken a hit and unemployment has spread just as fast if not faster than COVID-19.  You may be looking for a way to become self-sufficient or to make your own schedule; or maybe you would just like to add another income stream for a little more security going forward.  Whatever the reason starting your own mobile massage business today can open the door to opportunity tomorrow.


Just as with any business (mobile, home based, or otherwise) if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.  You must create a business plan.  There are plenty (thousands) of business plan templates you can find online that can help you narrow in on the direction you want your new business to take.  You will want to understand what competition already exists in your area, the services offered, and the pricing for those services.  You may also want to determine a particular niche you would like to fill.  For example, you could focus on businesses and serve them in their own office, or on local hotels or resorts that may not have their own spas and offer a mobile spa service, or become the in-home traveling massage therapist.  In any case, it makes sense to concentrate on one segment and grow from there.  When forming your own business you should also consult with a lawyer and tax professional to get a thorough understanding of any legal and tax requirements and implications for your specific business.


A mobile business will allow you to escape the overhead costs associated with owning or renting facility or office space to ply your trade.  This is a huge benefit, but these costs will be replaced with your transportation costs.  These costs are generally lower than rent, utilities, phone and security systems.  And the IRS does allow you to offset your income with a generous mileage deduction for business miles traveled.  Again, speak with your tax professional to make sure you are recording your business miles in a way that is acceptable for tax reporting.  In short, creating a mobile business allows you a lower entry point into the industry and gives you the opportunity to get started much more quickly.


Okay so why is now, in the midst of quarantine possibly the best time to get started?  Well first it gives you the time to get your plan together.  You are also likely in a house with some captive family members who can’t get away from you and who may just be stressed enough to let you practice massaging them.  You can practice setting up different rooms to create different moods for various kinds of massage therapy.  You will be able to hone your craft in a safe place, and gain the experience that only comes through trial and error before you even approach your business’ first paying customer.  That is a huge benefit to someone starting out.


With the plan and practice in our rear view mirror the third P of your mobile massage therapy business is Portability, and that begins and ends with your massage tablePortable massage tables run anywhere from $250 to $1,500 with many options at each level.  Obviously with such a wide range in pricing your budget is a factor.  You will want to make sure that you select a table that is obviously comfortable for your clients as well as something you are able to fold and set up easily at each job.  Other options that you will want to consider adding along with your folding massage table, are a cart to help you transport it, attachable shelves to hold the massage oils and creams you are using for the particular client, a portable speaker for mood setting music and sound, and a carrying case you can emboss with your new company’s logo.


I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the inherent safety risks involved with a business where you may be traveling to and entering clients’ homes.  There are precautions that you can take to minimize the danger.  First, if at all possible you could have another person with you for those jobs, even if they wait in the car.  If that is not a possibility, you can always let someone know exactly where you are going, when you arrive, and when you leave.  A third precaution I can think of is to try to grow your business from referrals.  Start with friends, and friends of friends, then go and grow from there.