BV MMMH Treatment


  1. Begin with client in supine position.
  2. Wrap a hot towel infused with the Bon Vital’ Essential Oil of client’s choice around their face.
  3. Remove the towel while still warm.
  4. Add a few drops of the Bon Vital’ Essential Oil onto your wrists, rub together and hold above client’s face for them to inhale, taking 3 long deep breaths.
  5. Start your scalp massage, you may use the Bon Vital’ Happy Oil or you may do this part dry. Using a circular motion and applying some deeper pressure with your fingertips (always watching your client’s face for pain cues), start on the scalp from the top center on the hairline to the back of the head, in small sections, moving your way from the top of the head to the back of the head. Return again to the front hairline slightly lateral to where you started and continue to the back of the head. Repeat until you have covered the entire scalp. When it comes time, rest the client’s head rotated gently in your one hand and work on the area of the head that was not accessible earlier, repeat for the other side. Remember to include the temporal and ear areas. Add gentle ear pulling at this time.
  6. Use a relaxing effleurage stroke in between techniques, like gentle finger raking of the hair.
  7. Use your fingertips to apply a downward pressure. Starting on the scalp from the top center of the hairline to the back of the head. In small sections, moving your way from the top of the head to the back of the head. Return again to the front hairline slightly lateral to where you started and continue to the back of the head. Repeat until you have covered the entire scalp. When it comes time, rest the client’s head rotated gently in your one hand and work on the area of the head that was not accessible earlier, repeat for the other side.
  8. Begin your face massage. With a light amount of Bon Vital’ Happy Oil on your hands, draw your hands up the neck, in a gentle but firm effleurage stroke to the jaw line.
  9. Use the pads of your fingers and run along the jaw line to the center of the chin, around the mouth, up over the nose and finish on the forehead. Use a gentle downward compression on the forehead. Slide your fingers outward to the temporal area.
  10. Not breaking contact with the face, lightly slide your fingers back down to the jaw line.
  11. Begin fingertip kneading in a circular motion from the chin area moving upwards through the face. Remain aware of your pressure, hand placement and the flow of the treatment.
  12. Finish the face portion of this massage with some gentle vibrations.
  13. Using the Bon Vital’ Happy Oil, start your massage on the neck and trapezius.
  14. Add gentle stretches for the neck.
  15. Moving on to massage each arm starting at the shoulder over the upper chest and down the arm finishing with the hand. Repeat on opposite side.
  16. Turn client to prone position.
  17. Turn sheet down to client’s hip and place a warm towel infused with Bon Vital’ Essential Oil on client’s back.
  18. Use compression strokes over warm towel beginning at the trapezius and work down the back.
  19. Remove the towel while still warm.
  20. Apply Bon Vital’ Happy Oil and give client thorough massage on back, arms, glutes, and legs.
  21. End the massage with gentle rocking strokes along each side of the body.

Home Care: Give the client a Bon Vital’ Tangerine Essential Oil Roll-on and instructions on how to use it. Include the roll-on cost in the overall treatment cost.

Contraindications: General massage contraindications including open sores.