The Stress Eraser Massage Treatment
The Stress Eraser Massage Treatment
The Stress Eraser
Help clients erase away life stresses with this revitalizing treatment. Specifically designed to release tight muscles and integrate the anterior chest, arms, neck, shoulders and back.
Session Time: 30 min*
Recommended Price: $45
Cost Per Treatment: $1.22
Controlled-Glide Massage Creme [1 oz], Lavender Candle if available
1. Position client on the massage table in a supine position.
2. Perform a gentle rocking compression from the shoulder to the hip.
3. Starting at the head of the table, apply a 5 second compression to the front of the chest. Slowly increase the pressure of the compression. Repeat movement down each arm and along the lateral rib cage.
4. Squeeze a nickel size amount of Controlled Glide Massage Creme into the palm of your hand. Rub hands together and then apply creme to client’s right arm from the wrist to the occipital ridge.
5. Perform 4 slow effleurage stokes from the wrist to the occipital ridge. Start with the hand palm down and rotate the arm with each successive stroke.
6. Perform 4 slow push/pull movements starting at the client’s wrist and moving to the shoulder.
7. Repeat 4 & 5 on the left side.
8. Perform 4 slow push/pull movements to the client’s abdominal area from the hip to just under the breast line. Jump over the breast tissue and continue movement on the upper chest.
9. Move to the head of the table. Apply long effleurage strokes from the shoulder to the occipital ridge. Repeat 6 times.
10. From a seated position, perform head rotations and push/pull from the base of the neck to the occipital ridge.
11. Perform full head and face massage.
12. Have client turn to a prone position.
13. Repeat 3 & 4 on the back.
14. Perform 4 slow push/pull movements from the client’s hip to upper back.
15. Move to the head of the table, perform 4 slow, deep effleurage strokes from the occipital ridge to the sacrum.
16. Move to the right side. Perform 4 slow, deep effleurage strokes from the hip to the shoulder. Repeat on left side.
17. Perform slow rocking compressions with finger tips from sacrum to occipital ridge along the spine.
18. Finish with long slow connecting strokes from the occipital ridge to the sacrum.